Friday 27 April 2012

Kids are fucking assholes

Kids. They are so cute. They are our future. They are our legacy. They are also fucking assholes.

I find that the times where I was most victimized by racism is when I was a kid. Kids are fucking racists. When you mature, you start to emphasize with others. You learn not to hurt others needlessly. But as a kid, you are a selfish bastard.

Now, kids aren't racist because they hate your race. They are racist because they want to hurt you. And race just happens to be a great springboard for their verbal attacks. The trick to inflicting the most harm to someone with your insults is to go personal. The more personal your insults are, the more they will hurt. Kids understand this. They might not understand proper grammar, but they sure know how to destroy the human spirit.

You know when you see a kid sharing his or her toy with another kid? Or sharing a lollipop? Cute right? Of course, a parent's first reaction would probably be: "Aw look they're learning to share! That's so cute". Does that mean that kids are inherently good? Thank again. Read between the lines here.
What these parents are actually implying is this: "OMG!! For once you aren't acting like a goddamn selfish prick! Woohooo!!"

In conclusion, kids are fucking assholes. Makes you respect the role of the woman so much more.

1 comment:

  1. Agree with this great post man. But I'm not sure about the kids are racist part, I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with their upbringing. do you think Angelina Jolie's kids would be super racist? haha
